Thursday, January 19, 2012


This little boy cracks me up, makes me smile, and warms my heart.

On Tuesday, he turned 4 and started pre-school all at once.

Poor Ali is kind of linked at the hip with her big brother, so she prepared as if she was going to pre-school too, despite my efforts to get her to understand.  She took the split rather well.  We followed it up with some rare good girl time.  When we picked Jonas up, she kept saying, "Jonas, I missed you!!!"  and singing him 'Happy Birthday'- it was sweet!

This Jonas is one dear soul- creative, imaginative (lots of stuffed animal friends... Up Dawg, Tigger, Baxter the dog...).  He jumps and climbs and dances around most of his days and spends the rest of his time cracking me up with his whims.  "Mom, I want three apples and three sandwiches for lunch."  "Mom, I want a blanket of frosting."

His heart is always grateful.  His prayers are dear and very specific about items and people he is grateful for.  He's grateful for happy days and happy playtimes together.  He is, by nature, a happy soul.  I am so very fond of him.

For his birthday I caved in and went to my nightmare land... Chuck E Cheese. I literally walked around with a pocket full of sanitizing wipes... gratefully no pink eye episodes yet!   Jonas has since asked every day to go back.  He has no idea what a compromise it was for me to allow one visit a year to that germ-o-sphere.  Eek.  I can't discuss it any longer.

We also celebrated by watching old home movies of Jonas growing up and making a bug cake... per his request.  He's in love with his new Tigger, playdough set, and toddler lap top... but his favorite gift was a styrofoam axe from his uncle Trevor!   It is hilarious to see these kids going around the house hacking at each other and laughing!  So morbid, yet funny...


  1. This post made me smile lots. :)

  2. Happy Birthday Jonas! 4?!?! Katelyn says she is glad that you are four years old now, just like her.
    Looks like you had a fun day!

  3. What great words and pics. And I love that bug cake -- well done! Can we please come meet this sweet family of yours!?
