Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Birthday!

I know you are dying to see more pictures of candles and cakes... but let Ali's face in that shot below be a little gift to any of you who are obliging me :).  Sweet Glenn worked pretty hard to get that cake for me and it was a fun blast from the past to have an ice cream cake again (I got them almost every year as a little girl... they were my favorite).  Perhaps putting too much out there in the cyber world, but 30 was NOT my favorite year.  I have been thrilled to turn over to 31... and it has been a much better year to date :).  How could life not be good with that cute crew around?

Max took this photo!  LOVE Ali's face- cracks me up!)


  1. Happy birthday Kristen! And happy birthday Glenn! Kristen I loved what you did for Glenn's bday too with the different cupcakes. Love you guys! I hope all of our years are better than last year. :)

  2. Every time I look at that Ali picture it cracks me up!!!I love that she is even pointing at her funny little face! What a cute family!
